Reel Reading for Real Readers: Going Bovine

ReelReading2There’s something about the cover that bothers me. Maybe I just don’t get it.

But as I pulled this book from the box of new ones, a student reached for it eagerly.

“Please read that book and tell me what all the fuss is about,” I said.

And off she went.

Here’s a cool trailer for Libba Bray’s Going Bovine.

Have you read it? What’s the deal with the cover?

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2 thoughts on “Reel Reading for Real Readers: Going Bovine

  1. Erika B. May 16, 2014 at 10:33 am Reply

    One of my students LOVED this piece. She loves fantastical…escape-esque reads…so evidently this qualifies. Feel like taking a trip to another world…buckle up…this is your read.


  2. motherofallreaders May 15, 2014 at 4:51 pm Reply

    I read this a couple of years ago when I was taking Adolescent Literacy. I have to confess that it was a little bizarre for me as I really didn’t “get it”. I’d love to know what others think about it though!


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